Painting Matter @ Daine Singer

by Thea Basiliou June 24, 2016

Painting Matter @ Daine Singer

Another fantastic group show opened at popular Flinders Lane

Gallery, Daine Singer last night.

The 5 Melbourne based artists included all practice a form of contemporary


Matt Arbuckle

David Egan 

Merryn Lloyd 

Jahnne Pasco-White

Jensen Tjhung


merryn lloyd

Grist for the Mill - Merryn Lloyd

Merryn Lloyd is known for her intimate works of pigment and beeswax often featuring unexpected colour combinations and unusual textures through her process of layering, scratching back and re-building.

Her works are smaller scale but have so much character.

jahnne pasco white

de Elaine - Jahnne Pasco-White

Jahnne Pasco-White takes a very sculptural approach to her work with incredible layers of different media including plaster, wax and resin creating texture laden pieces.

Jahnne has just complete a residency in Leipzig in Germany and has another solo show coming up at Daine Singer in August this year.

Painting Matter is on now until the 16th of July and all details are here.

Thea X

Thea Basiliou
Thea Basiliou
