Every Brilliant Eye - Australian Art of the 1990's

by Thea Basiliou June 02, 2017


Rose Nolan

'My way to God' by Rose Nolan 1990

The NGV's Ian Potter Centre opened a new exhibition yesterday of Australian art from the 1990's.
Called 'Every Brilliant Eye' , named from Australian alternative rock band Died Pretty's 1990 third album.
Died Pretty are coincidentally touring next month with other
Australian rock legends Radio Birdman.

As 1990 was the year that I started Blonde Venus, it is an easy era for me to relate to.
Post punk moved in to grunge. Disco moved in to Acid House. Sub-cultures were alive and well but started to intermix.
I was going to see rock and roll bands but was actively involved in the dance party scene.
The art of the time reflects in these genres and changes.


diena georgetti

'Gonfiare zenzero prenone' by Diena Georgetti 1992


eugene carchesio

'Silence, Intuition and Surrealism' by Eugene Carchesio 1991


The exhibition somehow manages to capture all of the moves and changes of the decade with a powerful statement from indigenous artist Gordon Bennett through to an extreme performance piece by Leigh Bowery.
 I found many pieces triggered points in time, not with melancholy or nostalgia as it doesn't feel distant enough but recognition and appreciation for how we have and also how we haven't move on.


abyss studio

Fashion and fabric by Abyss Studio (Sara Thorn, Bruce Slorach) 1990


marco fusinato

Paintings by Marco Fusinato 1996


mikala dwyer

(foreground) I.O.U. by Mikala Dwyer 1997-98


melinda harper

Untitled by Melinda Harper 1999

Favourite works include Diena Georgetti, Mikala Dwyer, Melinda Harper, Eugene Carchesio, Marco Fusinato, Rose Nolan and a fantastic piece called Punchline which 'happened' at Gertrude Contemporary in 1999 by Melbourne collective DAMP.

Every Brilliant Eye is showing now until the 1st of October and more details are available here.



Thea Basiliou
Thea Basiliou
